For the Love of Dog
Last night one of our dear friends lost his beloved dog. After hearing the news that she was sick, I could think of not much else. She was showing symptoms of poisoning, the same reactions a rat would have when we are trying to get rid of it, her organs shutting down, bleeding internally. Rather than put her down as the first doctor suggested, Frank was determined to do everything he could for her. Even a blood transfusion couldn’t save her. She died last night.
I am stunned by the level of tragedy in our small community. Yes, I realize, it is happening everywhere, all the time. There have been times before where it seems devastating things are occuring all over our close circles. I have had mine, you have had yours. But these early months of 2012 have been exceptionally full. I read callous comments after the fire, that we mountain people should expect such things. Blah blah blah. I wrote about that already. Yes, we all know that to love is to risk having our heart broken in so many pieces that we may never pick them all up. Right now, for Frank, I would imagine there are no words that will actually help. What I can offer is to be there in the pain and with the pain. We will tell him we aren’t going anywhere. We love him. It beyond sucks. Life isn’t fair. In walking through our fire, knowing that people can be in the shadows with us has made the biggest difference.
30 May, 2012