This too shall pass…
I love the comments I received from yesterday’s blog. They came from near and far and brightened my heart this morning. I awoke – and fell asleep last night – in a dark place. I am more tired than I have ever been in my life. “Tired” has been my M.O. for much of my life. It is my shield against the world, my response to “how are you doing?” and a catch-all for many conflicting emotions. This is a whole new level of tired. My muscles ache as I walk up hills, my face feels heavy and full, I am short of breath. Charming, huh?
Yesterday, we made final trash piles on our land to prepare for the bulldozers next week so we can take the next step of moving our trailer to the site to live “at home”. I love this plan – and I hope it works. Those dang dogs decided to range while we were cleaning up. Thinking they had merely passed from sight over a nearby ridge, I began calling them, gently at first. Given we now have no trees, I was able to spot them way too far in the distance. Now screaming their names into their selectively deaf ears, I had to hike across acres of blackness to get near them. Of course, by the time I got to where I had initially seen them, they had moved even further. I finally was able to waken them from their fantasy of escape and hauled them back to the car. They were coated in ash, wearing black soot socks and zebra stripes across their bodies. Just how will we deal with the mess in our trailer, I ponder.
04 May, 2012