In Gratitude
In this moment, I am forced to experience gratitude. Forced you say? How does that work? Well, lemme tell you. Yesterday, we had a visitor. Previously a stranger, John was the deliverer of joy. Joy came in the form of a community rallying around me – and us – by creating a gift so lovely and heart-filled that I can be nothing but grateful this morning even as I sit with cramps and fatigue that makes my eyes feel squinty.
The weekend after the fire, I was supposed to be with my community of healing professionals at a training program created by Jesse and Sharla Jacobs of Rejuvenate Training. Jesse and Sharla have dedicated their life work to empowering and teaching holistic practitioners and coaches a heart-centered way of marketing themselves as us healing types are often not so business savvy. In fact, we prefer to give our services away out of love and due to the fact that we are expressing our passion. That should be free, right? Charge what we are worth, what??? How can you put a price on love?
20 May, 2012