Writing a book is one of the biggest adventures in life… And, it can be a daunting (if not impossible) task if faced alone.

You have probably heard it said that 80% of the population says they have a book inside them. Yet, only around 5% actually ever write that book! There are so many reasons people stop. I am here to champion you in expressing your words and getting YOUR message out in the world so you don’t have to die with your book still inside you.  

Working with Me

Every author I meet is at a slightly different place in the process – some have no idea where to start yet have the burning desire to write. Some have started and can’t tell whether their book is ready for the world – or not. Others have finished writing and don’t know what’s next.

Yet, all authors have the same dream: to see their book in print!

I know JUST what this is like. As a three-time published author who had NO IDEA what I was doing when I started (and whose books changed my life – and my career!), I can help you find your way through the wonderful (and sometimes terrifying!) world of publishing.

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